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Programs : Brochure

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Fact Sheet:
Fact Sheet:
Minimum GPA: 3.0 Housing Options: Apartment
Areas of Study: Biology, Botany, Ecology, Environmental Studies, Geography, Geology Class Status: 2-sophomore, 3-junior, 4-senior
Program Type: study abroad Language of Instruction: English
Program: Direct
Program Description:
Sussex Summer Physics
Geotag  Galway, Ireland

Known as the cultural heart of Ireland, Galway is a youthful and lively city that celebrates and preserves the Irish language and culture. With cobbled streets and colorful storefronts, Galway boasts a thriving café culture, countless opportunities to experience traditional pub music, and it is widely known for its festivals and civic events.

From the fertile rocks of the Burren karst limestone, to the raised bogs of the midlands, to the sheer cliffs of the Aran Islands, Ireland’s Atlantic West Coast is a stunning place to learn survey skills as you delve into sustainability and conservation. This is an ideal opportunity for students majoring in ecology, environmental science, geography, botany, zoology, natural history, or natural heritage.

The University of Galway’s “Living Landscapes in the West of Ireland” summer program offers students an intensive, field-based experience in the natural environments found in and around Galway.  

County Galway, on Ireland’s Atlantic West Coast is a land of contrasts. Influenced by its oceanic climate, glacial history, hydrology, geology, and human habitation, it has developed a variety of beautiful landscapes with unique and fascinating habitats and species. From the fertile rocks of the Burren karst limestone, to the raised bogs of the midlands, the sheer cliffs of the Aran Islands to the salt marshes of Galway Bay, there is a wealth of natural history to explore. 

All students enroll in the same course, for which you will earn 6 U.S. semester credit hours. Through a multi-disciplinary approach to studying ecology, you will engage with all aspects of how these ecosystems are created and maintained through natural processes and anthropogenic activity. You will also consider conservation and sustainability issues and how a sound understanding of these ecological processes is used to combat the challenges facing the environment. 

The University of Galway (Ollscoil na Gaillimhe) was previous known as the National University of Ireland, Galway.

Program activities are designed to enhance your intercultural competence by developing your understanding of the local culture and people. Additionally, they complement in-class study with invaluable hands-on experience. Most activities are optional, but they are included in your total program fee. 

IFSA excursions are included in your total program fee. They are co-curricular experiences, linked to the topics studied in class, but they also allow for independent time while visiting some of the most renowned Italian destinations. 
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  • Academic Support
  • Administrative Fees and Applications Fees
  • Activities and Excursions (including transportation and meals)
  • Education Fees
  • Guaranteed Housing
  • International Medical Insurance
  • Internet Access in Housing
  • Internship, Directed Research, and Volunteer Opportunities (on many programs)
  • Meals (on some programs)
  • Official Transcript with U.S. Credit Translation
  • On-site Orientation
  • On-site Staff Support (including in-person meetings and emergencies)
  • Prearrival Advising

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Dates / Deadlines:
Dates / Deadlines:
Term Year App Deadline Decision Date Start Date End Date
Summer 2025 03/05/2025 ** Rolling Admission 06/10/2025 07/01/2025

** Indicates rolling admission application process. Applicants will be immediately notified of acceptance into this program and be able to complete post-decision materials prior to the term's application deadline.