Students who are accepted as participants in a UM Study Abroad program may apply for financial assistance through the UM Office of Financial Aid. Most study abroad programs qualify for some type of financial aid (grants, scholarships, loans), but the availability of aid is based on a number of factors, including (but not limited to): the student's current financial aid status, the specific costs charged by the program, the student's remaining financial aid eligibility for the term(s) and the particular academic term(s) of the program.
Additional important information about financial aid and studying abroad can be found on the UM Office of Financial Aid website.
Scholarships and Grants for Studying Abroad
Below is a list of websites that you might want to reference when researching potential scholarship and grant sources for studying abroad. Please review the requirements, application procedures and application deadlines very carefully to be sure that you qualify to apply. If you apply for a scholarship or grant with one or more of the sponsoring organizations listed below and wish to check on the status of your application, please check directly with the organization(s).
Generally, the more specific a scholarship or grant’s awarding criteria is and the smaller the geographic area covered by the scholarship or grant, the greater your chances are of success with your application. You should especially familiarize yourself with scholarships whose application criteria most closely match your own situation. You should also work closely with the Office of Financial Aid throughout your scholarship and/or grant application process, to ensure that they are aware of any “outside source” aid you are awarded and to allow them to guide and advise you throughout the application process.
Scholarships Administered by the UM Study Abroad Office
Sue Knox Weakley Study Abroad Scholarship • for summer programs only
Susan Scott Scholarship for Study Abroad • for semester programs only
Study Abroad Access Scholarship • for all study abroad terms
Passport Scholarship • open to all UM students––even those not studying abroad
Scholarships and Fellowships Administered by Other UM Departments/Colleges/Schools
Brooks Family College of Liberal Arts Scholarships • Administered by the UM College of Liberal Arts
McDonnell Endowment Scholarships • Administered by the UM Dept. of Classics (contact Dr. Molly Pasco-Pranger for details)
Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College Fellowships • Administered by the UM Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College
Study Abroad Scholarships, Grants, Fellowships from Sources Outside of UM
US-Ireland Alliance - George J. Mitchell Scholarship
Alpha Lambda Delta Stemler Study Abroad Scholarship (honor society for first-year students)
American Association of University Women International Fellowships (for graduate-level study abroad)
American-Scandinavian Foundation Grants
American School of Classical Studies in Athens (for study in Greece)
Amgen Scholars (for undergraduate research in science and biotechnology in Japan)
Association for Asian Studies Grants and Fellowships
Belgian American Educational Foundation (for graduate-level study in Belgium)
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship (for Pell-eligible students)
Blakemore Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Asian Language Study
Bridging Scholarships for Study in Japan
Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (Germany)
Critical Language Scholarship Program (various languages)
DAAD Scholarships (for study in Germany)
David L. Boren Awards: Scholarships and Fellowships
Diversity Abroad Scholarships
Émigré Memorial German Internship Program (fellowships for internships at a German state parliament)
Eta Sigma Phi Scholarships (honors society for Classical Studies)
Etruscan Foundation Fieldwork Fellowships (applicants must join or be members of the Etruscan Foundation)
European Scholarship Portal (database of scholarships for study in Europe)
FastWeb (free online scholarship database)
Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program (for graduate-level study abroad)
Franco–American Commission for Educational Exchange (for study in France)
Freeman Awards for Study in Asia (French Embassy in the US website for Higher Ed, arts and French language)
Fulbright U.S. Student Program
Fund for Education Abroad (a great resource for many different scholarships)
Gates Cambridge Scholarships (for study at Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
Gilman-McCain Scholarship (for child dependents of active duty service members)
Halle Foundation Grants (for study in Germany)
International Research and Exchanges Board
International Scholar Laureate Scholarships
Institute of International Education Study Abroad Funding (database of study abroad scholarships, fellowships and grants)
Jane C. Waldbaum Archaeological Field School Scholarship
Kosciuszko Foundation Scholarships (for study in Poland)
Marshall Scholarships (for graduate-level study in the United Kingdom)
Order Sons of Italy in America Scholarships
Phi Kappa Phi Study Abroad Grants (Phi Kappa Phi membership is not a requirement to apply)
Rotary International Global Grant Scholarship Supplement [PDF]
Society for Classical Studies Scholarship for Minority Students (for summer study abroad in classics or classical archaeology) Scholarship Database
Watanabe Scholarship (for study in Japan)
Info About Direct/Affiliate-Specific Scholarships and Grants
Arcadia University - College of Global Studies Scholarships
CEA CAPA Scholarships
CET Scholarships
CIEE Scholarships
IES Scholarships
IFSA-Butler Scholarships
ISA Scholarships
ISEP Scholarships
SAI Scholarships
Semester at Sea Scholarships